How to Fix Google Gemini Not Working

For several people, Google Gemini is an indispensable resource, offering an array of functionalities that optimise work and boost efficiency. Its functionality may occasionally be disrupted by problems, just like any other digital instrument. Be at ease—this comprehensive guide will assist you in identifying and resolving any issues that may be preventing Google Gemini from functioning as intended.

Common Issues with Google Gemini

Before we go into the fixes, it’s important to know what possible problems Google Gemini could cause you to have:

  • Very Slow or Not Loading: Server problems or a shaky internet connection could be at blame for this.
  • Crashing Frequently: This might be caused by software conflicts or outdated applications.
  • Features Not Working Properly: Certain features may not function correctly due to compatibility issues or incorrect settings.

Step-by-Step Fixes for Google Gemini

1. Check Your Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is crucial for Google Gemini to work correctly. Here’s how you can ensure your connection isn’t the issue:

  • Restart Your Router: Unplug your router, wait for a minute, then plug it back in. This can resolve temporary connectivity issues.
  • Switch Networks: If possible, switch to a different Wi-Fi network or use a mobile hotspot to see if the problem persists.
  • Run a Speed Test: Use an online tool to check your internet speed. Slow speeds can affect Google Gemini’s performance.

2. Update Google Gemini

Outdated software can lead to various problems. Ensure you’re using the latest version of Google Gemini:

  • Verify Any Updates: Check for updates for Google Gemini by opening the app store on your device and typing in a search query. In such case, download and set it up.
  • Automatic Updates: Enable automatic updates to ensure you always have the latest version.

3. Clear Cache and Data

Sometimes, accumulated cache and data can cause apps to malfunction. Clearing them can help:

  • For Android Users:
  • Go to Settings > Apps > Google Gemini.
  • Tap Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data.
  • For iOS Users:
  • Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage.
  • Find Google Gemini and select Offload App. Then reinstall the app.

4. Reinstall Google Gemini

Reinstalling the app can fix many issues by providing a fresh installation:

  • Uninstall Google Gemini from your device.
  • Restart Your Device to clear any lingering issues.
  • Reinstall Google Gemini from the app store.

5. Check Device Compatibility

Ensure your device meets the requirements for running Google Gemini:

  • Check Specifications: Visit Google Gemini’s official website to see the minimum system requirements.
  • Update Your Device: Make sure your operating system is up-to-date, as outdated software can cause compatibility issues.

6. Disable Conflicting Apps

Other apps running in the background can interfere with Google Gemini:

  • Close Background Apps: Access the multitasking view on your device and close unnecessary apps.
  • Check for Conflicts: Some security or VPN apps may cause conflicts. Temporarily disable them to see if the issue resolves.

7. Reset App Preferences

Resetting app preferences can resolve configuration issues without affecting your data:

  • For Android Users:
  • Go to Settings > Apps > Menu (three dots) > Reset App Preferences.
  • For iOS Users:
  • Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings.

8. Contact Support

If none of the above steps work, it might be time to contact Google Gemini’s support team for further assistance:

  • Visit the Help Centre: Look up your problem on Google Gemini’s official support website
  • Ticket Submission: If you are unable to solve the issue, open a support ticket and describe the issue in full.

Preventative Measures

To avoid future issues with Google Gemini, consider these preventative measures:

  • Regularly Update: Keep both Google Gemini and your device’s operating system updated.
  • Monitor Device Health: Regularly check for malware and other issues that could affect performance.
  • Backup Data: Ensure your data is backed up to prevent loss in case of future problems.


Q1: Why won’t Google Gemini load on my device?

A1: The app may not be functioning properly, it may be outdated, or there may be an issue with the internet connection.Try updating the app, turning off your router, and making sure your device is compatible.

Q2: How do I update Google Gemini?

A2: Go to your device’s app store, search for Google Gemini, and check if an update is available. If it is, download and install the update. Enabling automatic updates can also ensure you always have the latest version.

Q3: What should I do if Google Gemini keeps crashing?

A3: Clear the app’s cache and data, ensure your device’s operating system is up-to-date, and check for any app conflicts.Reinstalling the app can also help resolve persistent crashing issues.

Q4: How can I delete my device’s Google Gemini cache and data?

A4: Open Google Gemini from Settings > Applications > Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data on your Android device.With iOS: Navigate to Settings > General > Storage on Your iPhone > Google Gemini > App Offload. Reinstall the programme after that.

Q5: Can I use Google Gemini with my device?

A5: To find out the minimal system requirements, visit Google Gemini’s official page. Make sure the operating system on your device is up to date with the most recent version to prevent incompatibilities.

Q 6: What is the process for getting in touch with Google Gemini support?

A6: Look for your issue on the official Google Gemini help website. Send in a support ticket with all the details of your issue if you are unable to solve it for more help.


Although Google Gemini is a strong tool, problems can occasionally arise with any software. You may troubleshoot and resolve common issues by following the instructions in this tutorial, ensuring that Google Gemini functions easily and effectively. Never forget that contacting customer service is always an option if everything else fails.

Abhinesh Rai
Author: Abhinesh Rai

Abhinesh Rai is an AI enthusiast who leverages the latest AI tools to enhance user experiences and drive growth. A thought leader in the field, he shares valuable insights and strategies for harnessing AI's potential across various industries.

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